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Work session
View the parameters of the current work session and possibly change the year and school of the work session.
Security profile Code of the security profile with which you started the work session. The security profile determines the authorized activities (application profile), the authorized schools (confidentiality profile), the security surrounding the student memos (memo profile) as well as certain options specific to teachers (Internet profile).
Institution Code of the institution in which you are working.
Year School year in which you are performing operations (current year by default). It is possible to change the working school year (previous or provisional year) but the change will only be effective for the duration of the current work session. The current school year will be applied at the start of a future work session.
School School in which you are performing operations. The pulldown menu proposes the schools to which you are authorized and is used to change the school of the work session. The change will only be effective for the duration of the current work session. You will need to indicate the school at the start of a future work session.
Authorized personnel code Authorized personnel code corresponding to your user code for the year and school of the current work session.
Version Version number of the Internet Student Monitoring application presently being used.
Save The Save command makes the changes entered on screen effective, for the duration of the current work session.
Undo The Undo command cancels the changes entered in the page.